Friday 17 July 2015

Relationship Tips - 7 reasons why bald men are sexy

Some ladies think a shaved hair on a guy looks extremely sexy while others don't share the same opinion but more and more men these days are turning to the bald look instead of having to fight baldness as they age.

Aprille Ross of Binoni lists reasons why a clean shaven head makes women swoon:

A smooth shaven head makes a man appear tidier: No bed head in the morning either! Bald men can roll out of bed and look sexy in whatever they put on, since they don’t have to worry about their hair sticking up at random angles all over their head. This tidiness carries on throughout the day as well. There’s no sweaty hair plastered to a bald man’s head when he finishes running a mile or after working outside on the hottest day of the year.

Bald men look manlier: Look at how many action heroes are bald. A number of actors have chrome domes and look way sexier than men with pony tails. Bruce Willis, Vin Diesel, Jason Statham, and Samuel L. Jackson all look great bald and I think their lack of hair also adds to the strong appearance needed for their roles in action movies.

Baldness seems to go along with maturity: Bald guys tend to have a lot to deal with, when it comes to explaining their reasons for shaving their heads. I think constant confrontation causes them to become more mature quicker. I’ve yet to meet a man who is bald and immature. I’m sure there are plenty out there, but to me baldness tends to equal maturity.

They tend to be less hung up on looks: Seeing as how bald men don’t have long locks to fuss with, they are often less inclined to require an hour to primp in the bathroom before heading out of the house. The bald men I know are very down to earth and less worried about how they appear to everyone else. They tend to have the attitude of "take it or leave it."

The lack of hair makes other assets more noticeable: From afar, I tend to notice a guy’s hair first. If he happens to be bald, then it forces me to take notice of other things about him instead. I might notice his smile, the way he stands, his facial expressions, the way he gestures when he talks, or any number of things that would have been noticed after his hairdo.

They don't have a silly looking hair cut: There are terrible haircuts given every day. I’ve witnessed plenty that should have been shaved off right after they were completed. Bald men never have to worry about having a botched hair cut. They look sexy whether their head has been closely shaven or if they have a just a short layer of hair.

Bald men tend to have more confidence: In my opinion, confidence is very sexy. It doesn’t seem to matter what a guy looks like, when he has a lot of confidence it shows in so many ways. A man who is sure of himself will walk with his head high, smile at everyone he meets, and ooze charisma.


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